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teach2play Series - Complete Four Volume Set
teach2play Series - Complete Four Volume Set
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NEW! - teach2play Series Complete Four Volume Set

teach2play™ is the revolutionary series of DVD videos from teach2talk designed to help teach play skills, which are an important component of every child's socialization and of their linguistic, emotional and cognitive development.

Now you can get all four volumes in our teach2play series for one low price! Purchase the entire set together and save.

Our Price: $99.96
Sale Price: $89.99
Savings: $9.97

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Product Code: 5004



teach2play Series - Complete Four Volume DVD Set

teach2play™ is the revolutionary series of DVD videos from teach2talk designed to help teach play skills both to children with autism and other developmental disorders and to all other children who need assistance with their play skills. Play skills are an important component of every child's socialization and of their linguistic, emotional and cognitive development. Furthermore, improved play skills lead to improved language skills. Our four DVD volume teach2play series:

  • teaches play skills in a systematic way, based on our "play ladder" which organizes play skills into developmentally–appropriate, progressive steps
  • uses video modeling, a powerful teaching tool which research has shown can be an effective method to teach many children, including children with autism and other developmental disorders
  • was created by a practicing speech language pathologist based on her clinical experience, her personal research into teaching play skills to children through video modeling, and her review of the peer–reviewed research of others
  • was designed by a professional to be used by parents on their own without outside assistance

Now you can get all four volumes in our teach2play series for one low price. This set includes one copy of each of the following titles:

  • teach2play - Volume 1 - Basic Play
  • teach2play - Volume 2 - Core Play
  • teach2play - Volume 3 - Intermediate Play
  • teach2play - Volume 4 - Advanced Play

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